Shawnee Bowl

701 N Harrison Ave
Shawnee,OK 74801


League BowlingAt Shawnee Bowl we make league bowling a great way to improve your game and a great way to have fun.  

Sign up to join a league today!
Ask a question or register by phone - Call 405-275-4064


  • Sunday Nite Mixed 6pm
  • Monday Morning Senior League 10am
  • Monday Coupon League 7pm 
  • Tuesday Early Four 6:30pm
  • Tuesday 9 Pin No-Tap 7pm
  • Wednesday Senior Mixed 1pm
  • Wednesday Pinbusters 6:30pm
  • Thursday Coupon League 6:30pm
  • *NEW IN 2024* Thursday Scratch League (3 member) 7pm
  • Friday Ball & Chain 7pm
  • Saturday Youth League 10am

- Contact us for more information! Phone: (405-275-4064)


  • Sunday Funtimers 6pm
  • Monday 9 Pin No-Tap 1pm
  • Monday "Have a Coupon" League 7pm
  • Tuesday 9-Pin No-Tap 7pm
  • Wednesday Whatevers 7:30pm
  • Thursday Coupon League 6:30pm

- Contact us for more information! Phone: (405-275-4064)